The way in which we use our rooms changes under the influence of time, science and human nature. Leolux LX offers you a portfolio of innovative products that give optimum space to this evolution. We use the creativity of international top designers for this. Sometimes we may have been collaborating for many years, but just as often a new alliance offers just the boost we’re seeking.


Hanne Willmann


Meike Harde
Studio Truly Truly

Frans Schrofer

Christian Werner

Jan Armgardt

Edward van Vliet

Martin Ballendat

Susanne de Graef
Pascal Bosetti

Beck Design

Hugo de Ruiter

Roderick Vos

Sylvain Willenz

Braun & Maniatis

Gerard Vollenbrock

Cuno Frommherz

Gino Carollo

Stephan Veit